Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 30 - Final day challenge

I cried so much on this journey.

Crying is healing 

I learned so much.

I have more to offer myself and others.

I love and approve of me more and more.

I lost 14lbs and it was hard but not really.
I will continue to eat healthy and exercise, but not so strict. 

Prob will not frequent social media as much. I enjoy disconnecting from it. 

Discovered my truths.

I am so grateful for this challenge, I have no words.

Happy to be Me!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Day 29- Every woman has a Story.

I dedicate this almost last blog to My Mom.

She is a RockStar. The beautiful thing is she knows how to say Yes to it. She has the passion, she listens to her inner voice, she has seeks greatness in everyone,she has drive, enthusiasm, commitment to THRIVE.

I mean Dayum, Look at her Go! What a blessing it is for anyone to know her.

She Lives her life with purpose . If you don't know what that looks like, make her your role model, watch her in action.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Day 28 - Promise Me

Happy Day 28, I literally have 2 more days to go.

I've already reactivated Twitter because they give you 30 days only. Since I never use it I thought oh-what-the-heck. 

I love a play on words, I particularly like when words speak positive life in me and others, the world as a whole.


Today was Farmers Market Day.

Warm Kale and Shrimp Salad

~ One Peace, One Love

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Day 26 - Happy Admin Day... VEGAN on the way.

Happy Day 26!!

My Job blessed myself and our other admin for "Admin Day" !

Image result for admin day funny quotes


Oh yes Veganism is SO in the cards for me.

I remember this same feeling when I cut out Beef, Chicken and Pork. I fought it for 5 years until I just couldn't fight it any more. I literally didn't even want meat September 2014 the transition began.

Now I'm feeling the same way, however I don't think it'll take me 5 years. I will incorporate it more aggressively than I have been until it's official. 

People are afraid of Vegan Food. It's still food just eaten differently. I am not afraid of different. It's actually fun. I'll share some You Tube videos of Vegan alternatives. Raw Vegan Sushi, Almond Vegan Cheese and Vegan Hamburger. 

Image result for vegan


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017

Day 24 - Take A Break

This blog today is a taking-a-break day blog.I will revisit this on day 25.

In the meantime listen to this beautiful song.

One Love

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Day 23 - SHAG

One of my Favorite movies. Sometimes you have to tune in to those things that make you smile and feel good.

"That was the most fun!"

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Day 22 - Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day!

Earth vibrates at a frequency of 8 hertz. We as humans vibrate the same, quite amazing. 

Related image

In honor of the Earth I am retiring my plastic straws and purchased these silicone straws because I am avid straw user and they are TERRIBLE for the Earth.

Peace on Earth!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Day 21 - Pop Life


Today is the anniversary of his death. I actually cried when it was confirmed 2016, the day before Earth Day I will never forget. Someone from my office said, Google Prince died. Of course I didn't believe it because Prince doesn't die, he'll be clicking heels, slip & sliding and back flipping off of pianos until he's 100.

But that wasn't the case. He was gone. It hurt me so bad because someone with that much talent who can continue reinventing himself, keep producing music, shutting down arenas and still stand alone is amazing. 

I don't see anyone defying the standard in that way again. His androgyny display through fashion and singing but still remains masculine and get away with it....DOPE!

The energy he permeated, his persona, the way he spoke, the way he dressed.

Image result for prince

Sad news: It was recently revealed that Prince - pictured performing at the Super Bowl in 2007 - died of a self-administered Fentanyl overdose according to an autopsy report released on Thursday by the Midwest Medical Examiner's Office

Tonight, we remembered Prince by attending this burlesque "Purple Rain" Tribute. It was cool. Some of the dancers were super amateurs. Where there is Prince I will go. Still had fun.


*Pop Life 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Day 20 - Am I about that Marijuana life?

Image result for marijuana art

Oh but of course I am..I stand 100% behind the use of it.

I personally do not engage in it but I support those who do. 

I've tried it and loved it and hated it at the same time. I'm just NOT a smoker.

I have tried the edibles and loved the sleep, I mean super amazing. My Boyfriend at the time said you did not move at all. Typically I don't sleep well or I toss and turn or keep waking up, I talk in my sleep all that. 

I ate a chocolate edible (I don't even like chocolate), two small squares and it was a great feeling. I did it for the experience. 

On another note:

Be Free!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Day 19 - Keeping the soul alive

Happy Day 19!

The Soul cherishes pleasure. It delights in the senses and the luxuries of leisure time. It wants you to indulge yourself occasionally.

The soul and joy are good friends. Let them be together as often as possible. Always give the soul's armors full expression. Don't suppress your enthusiasm and your ecstasy or your tears.

The soul yearns for beauty and will seek it out continually. It invites you to join the quest.

The soul stretches itself through risk, renewal, and travel. Don't be afraid be adventurous.

The soul seeks out silence and solitude in order to hear the soft voice of God. Treasure the quiet times and make a place for them in your busy life.

The soul gives thanks and counts blessings. Notice this activity. The soul knows we usually have more than we need or deserve.

Keep the Soul Alive


Captain Lee's Seafood at the Bonaventure in DTLA.

This is a for sure a-hole-in-the-wall but their food is magnificent
Grilled Cod (It's wrong how good that fish was)
Simple iceberg salad w/cumbers & purple cabbage and Salsa


Home-made Soup

Crab claws
Broth (low sodium)
Red Onions
green Onions
Garlic & Onion Powder
Lemon Pepper
Old Bay

Peep the two books I read today and one that isn't in the photo. Mental detox is new (Shout out to Cheyenne Bryant, a Jack Rabbit Alumni) and the other one I've had for years which is where I pulled the excerpts from.

Say "Yes" to your greatness!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Day 18 - How I mediate...

There is no right or wrong way to meditate, there is however ways that are more effective than others ways.

Related imageI play soft music or use guided meditation. I try my best not to be distracted. I particularly like earbuds, they're a lot more comfortable. 

Aroma therapy
I burn oil everyday to create a pleasing scent to the atmosphere. I like to smell something pleasant and not my old shrimp shells left in the trash the day before. It'll lower your stress, affects your dreams, helps you concentrate and promotes comfort.

I sit in complete darkness or turn on a dim light like my Himalayan salt lamp. You can use candles or a night light. If you choose darkness then I recommend wearing an eye mask for an ultimate way of keeping out visual distraction. 

Sit in Nature
The park is a great place to be with nature. Try the beach too, as long as you're outside, you're in an ideal place of nature. Observe and listen, feel and acknowledge. 

Consciously breathe, fill you lungs and exhale. Continue to do this slowly throughout the session. This brings your subconscious mind to the fore front. This fills your body with oxygen, relaxes you, reduces anxiety and increases focus. 

Burn Sage
When you want to cleanse your home, the environment and even yourself to release negativity burning sage can help you. Must burn at your own risk, this practice seems to unleash the negative to fill the space with the positive. Pray and speak out loud and set your intention. Always replace anything you release with something positive.

Meditation can be anything. It's primarily being aware.

I.e. Eating meditation - acknowledge picking up your food on the fork. Acknowledge chewing your food. Acknowledge the food going down. Acknowledge and feel the food travel down your throat to the colon.

Walking meditation
Driving meditation
Aerobic meditation
Shower meditation
Cellphone meditation 
Dressing meditation
Etc. You can make up your own.   

I recommend meditating everyday at least for 10 minutes. Focus on gratitude: I am thankful for ...

Life: I love my life, I smile on my existence...

Emotions: I acknowledge my pain... I will not be defeated...

Healing: I choose healing...  I am freeing my self from my pain..

Let your heart guide you and listen...

Love & Light



Monday, April 17, 2017

Day 17 - 10 things I've discovered...

10 Things I've discovered at this point of my Challenge Journey!

1. I have to make this a ritual. Perhaps twice a year or something. But why? Because this challenge has done me oh-so-well and I have another 2 weeks to go. Can't imagine what's to come. We shall see...

2. I am enough. Sometimes us overachievers want to strive and strive and strive to be better and better and better. But what IF, I'm good enough the way I am? I asked myself this and I discovered that I am. Although new experiences create new challenges and new ways to grow but if for mystical unexplained reason I decided to stop growing, learning, evolving I would be an AWESOME-ASS wonderful person, thus far. Although NOT perfect, I'm not the most toxic chemical in the science lab either, you dig!

3. I accept my perfect-Imperfections. *Transparency Alert* I used to hate my nose, I didn't like my hair, wanted my teeth to be super perfect, always had a thing with maintaining my weight, one of my eyebrows are higher than the other, my top lip isn't symmetrical and I have hooded eyes. The obsession is unnecessary. I've been told I was pretty my whole life, honestly when I really look in the mirror, I have no problem with me what so ever. What was I trippin' off of. This is ME. If anyone doesn't like any part of me they can GO POUND SAND! I believe being overtly exposed to social media's  sexualized women will make you feel insecure about your body or TV and magazines with photo shopped people who are always viewed flawlessly. 

4. I love (click >>> THIS ) music, it takes me away! I'm already in love with tropical anything. Meditation takes me away too and this is another thing that relaxes me. Wait until I start drinking wine again. A new found love of music. It helps me read, write and just sitting and reflecting. This music makes me feel like all the bad stuff is minuscule and unimportant.  

5. What questions dis-empower you. We Should avoid asking God questions like: Why did this happen to me? Whose to blame? What went wrong? Why me? If we continue down this path then our perception of the world shrinks. We become reactionary. And all the actions we take simply become survival busy-ness.  Instead we should ask: What is trying to emerge in my life? What gift am I to give the world? What is my next step? And by doing so, we begin to nurture our ability to truly listen to what the Universe is trying to “birth” through us.

6. When you grow and evolve. The people you know will shift out and away. Having already known this, I would say that this journey affirms that. This may be a lonely place for anyone but God will bring like minded people into your circle. 

7. When I finally transition over to Veganism, it won't be like climbing Mount Everest. Oh it's in the cards for me. As of now I will indulge in my Cheese Fries, not all the time but on special occasions. 

8. My Younger self should be acknowledged frequently. She should be taken along for the ride. Filling her with experiences she's never had, speaking life into that perhaps may be new information, new beliefs. Show her love and embrace her, uplift her and help her win. 

9. My mediocre expectations of people and life are dissolving. More and more some things just do not matter. I used to care what others were thinking about me, and I do care to a small degree. The kind of car you drive, college degrees, latest fashion, how big your house is...all of this is great and wonderful and one should celebrate when they acquire these but I care more about your character, you heart.

10. Being vulnerable isn't too bad. It's still scary tho'. The way to describe it is how I heard someone else describe something. Imagine the moment before jumping in a pool. The initial touch of the water is extremely cold and so you're hesitant but what you do know is not long after the water feels warm. So you know you're going to be OK. 

-keep going, keep growing, keep evolving. 

Peace & Love

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Day 16 - How I really Feel about RELIGION!


Rewinding back a bit to when I spoke about my "Awakening" and amongst my eye opening moments was how I looked at religion.

Having been raised in church since I was born and following traditional Baptist and Apostolic beliefs and practices throughout my adult hood up until I was 30 years old, that was even after after the awakening I adhere to so many ideas and beliefs that did not resonate with me.

I searched for understanding and TRUTH. We may never know what is the solemn TRUTH but I trust my spirit, my good ole intuition, I trust ME!

I believe, there is only one God, he is just experienced differently.
I also believe in the beauty and power of Christ's teachings of Love and healing as the messiah. he wore many hats, doctor, therapist, leader, preacher, messenger, a philosopher, etc. 

Image result for Love is my religion

I used to see  and hear people say the above and I thought, OMG they are going to hell out of fear. Until I asked God to help me understand why I resonated with it so much. Why did I feel the same way. I was ashamed to feel like Nature was my Church and Love was my religion. I am still a Christian who desired to be like Christ, so what if this is how I choose to practice Christianity.

Christ came that you might have life and have it more abundantly, he came to heal the sick and the weary, those who are sad and those who suffer. Well I aim to do this every single day. He came to teach us about Love, Love is my very foundation. 

I will NOT adhere to all the shameful rules and harsh judgment that, My God, the God I serve does NOT inflict on us. 

So much misleading and mis-teachings and partial truths and lies. 

The honest truth is NO ONE KNOWS the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. we are all leaning on faith and what resonates with us. If you think you God is bias and judgmental and you're hell bound for every sin you commit, then that's what you believe.

If you believe that your God is all loving, all forgiving, omnipotent and you are one with God. that's fine too.

Check out the video for more of my thoughts on this...

A thought I had:

For those who celebrate Easter but who are not Christian, who do not understand, know, believe or have never heard of the resurrection of Christ...What are they celebrating exactly?

I can understand Christmas but Easter Boggles my mind.

Have a Good Night!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Day 15 - My day today

Happy Day 15!

  • I woke up at 9:45am Whaaaaa?

Was today such a beautiful day or what? I felt unusually joyous, I was calm and I felt a peace I hadn't felt in months.

  • I headed to the bank and couldn't resist my urge to hit up Daiso. If you've never been to Daiso....ooooooh what chu waitin' on?

  • I talk to my Cousin Terrell for hours about life. Mom came by and we encouraged him and poured into his life. I Love my cousin and God is going to bless him.

  • Mom and I had Zucchini spaghetti. Mmmm

  • I edited her video for 5 hours but we got it done. Hallelujah!

  • I hung out with my family and talked and laughed.

I meditated last night to the point I fell asleep feeling light as a feather, I slept like a drunk baby. Gonna do the same tonight.

Weekly weigh in. Down another 7lbs. 

I can't lie, I'm struggling in the food department. I want Cheese Fries with thousand Island dressing and grilled onions. I can't even...let me stop thinking about it. 

"I want to be a person comfortable inside my own skin but I'm not all the time but who is, I'm trying to get there. Please heal me."


Friday, April 14, 2017

Day 14 - The Unspoken

HAPPY Day 14!


Happy Friday!

I have been such a stickler for being right about everything that I haven't considered how being wrong about something could open but a world of possibilities. Then again...I could be wrong about that...wait...

I suppose that is the trap; the more time I have to pile up the damages I have caused, the harder it is to face it. Shame means I only have the ability to look at the ground, and I don't even know where I am going. Please tell me it is possible to change. 

Dear God, I need some living people in my life whom I can trust. Please help me find them or help them find me. 

How did I get here...from there? I would have said it was impossible, but here I am, successful in ways that don't even matter. I'm so good at talking to myself that I don't know what is actually true. Do you think I might need people in my life who will tell me the truth? ... No! ... wait ... yeeesss...

Teach me to be awakened to all the intersections and crossings that occur inside each day, the many small choices that ripple through the fabric of my relationship and direction. Thank you for the respect you give us in choosing.

-The Sweetest Day, The best hour, The greatest Now

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Day 13 - Questions for the Soul #11- 15


I had to dabble back into my book and answer some questions.

There's something calming about writing manually and expressing your thoughts on paper with a pen.


Homemade cocktail Sauce

Two large tomatoes
1/2 cup of basil
1/2 cup of cilantro
2.5 tbsp of horse radish
1/2 juice of lemon
Old bay seasoning to taste
Lemon pepper to taste
Garlic salt to taste
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
brown sugar to taste

~Don't be AFRAID of you TRUTH!

- Hugs! 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Day 12 - The Good, The Bad and The Inevitable!

We have become so afraid of the inevitable, the things in life that are for sure going to happen whether we want it to or not. To submit full control to these certainties will have you going crazy. It will have you living in fear.

How does someone not fear the unknown?

RIP Charlie 🙏🙌

Image result for charlie murphy

I want to believe that there is a "bigger" that gives meaning to what is and to what I have made, even in my best efforts. I need to know that I matter just as I am, but that I belong to something or someone who cares.

I care .... Namaste!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Day 11 - What about Love?

~ Love it too magnificent to be without! -TaNae Sanders

~ We have 24 hours to live in Love, 
what an amazing gift and opportunity. 
-TaNae Sanders

~ How can we say Earth was NOT built on Love, 
God cared enough to equip us with everything we 
need and all that is, replenishes itself over and over 
and over for millions of years. - TaNae Sanders

Vivian: I woulda stayed for $2000
Edward: I would have paid $4000
- My favorite movie line in Pretty Woman


Leaf Lettuce
Lemon pepper
Garlic powder
Grilled white onions
Raw green onions


My Favorite Kirk Franklin song: Love
