Saturday, April 15, 2017

Day 15 - My day today

Happy Day 15!

  • I woke up at 9:45am Whaaaaa?

Was today such a beautiful day or what? I felt unusually joyous, I was calm and I felt a peace I hadn't felt in months.

  • I headed to the bank and couldn't resist my urge to hit up Daiso. If you've never been to Daiso....ooooooh what chu waitin' on?

  • I talk to my Cousin Terrell for hours about life. Mom came by and we encouraged him and poured into his life. I Love my cousin and God is going to bless him.

  • Mom and I had Zucchini spaghetti. Mmmm

  • I edited her video for 5 hours but we got it done. Hallelujah!

  • I hung out with my family and talked and laughed.

I meditated last night to the point I fell asleep feeling light as a feather, I slept like a drunk baby. Gonna do the same tonight.

Weekly weigh in. Down another 7lbs. 

I can't lie, I'm struggling in the food department. I want Cheese Fries with thousand Island dressing and grilled onions. I can't even...let me stop thinking about it. 

"I want to be a person comfortable inside my own skin but I'm not all the time but who is, I'm trying to get there. Please heal me."
