Rewinding back a bit to when I spoke about my "Awakening" and amongst my eye opening moments was how I looked at religion.
Having been raised in church since I was born and following traditional Baptist and Apostolic beliefs and practices throughout my adult hood up until I was 30 years old, that was even after after the awakening I adhere to so many ideas and beliefs that did not resonate with me.
I searched for understanding and TRUTH. We may never know what is the solemn TRUTH but I trust my spirit, my good ole intuition, I trust ME!
I believe, there is only one God, he is just experienced differently.
I also believe in the beauty and power of Christ's teachings of Love and healing as the messiah. he wore many hats, doctor, therapist, leader, preacher, messenger, a philosopher, etc.

I used to see and hear people say the above and I thought, OMG they are going to hell out of fear. Until I asked God to help me understand why I resonated with it so much. Why did I feel the same way. I was ashamed to feel like Nature was my Church and Love was my religion. I am still a Christian who desired to be like Christ, so what if this is how I choose to practice Christianity.
Christ came that you might have life and have it more abundantly, he came to heal the sick and the weary, those who are sad and those who suffer. Well I aim to do this every single day. He came to teach us about Love, Love is my very foundation.
I will NOT adhere to all the shameful rules and harsh judgment that, My God, the God I serve does NOT inflict on us.
So much misleading and mis-teachings and partial truths and lies.
The honest truth is NO ONE KNOWS the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. we are all leaning on faith and what resonates with us. If you think you God is bias and judgmental and you're hell bound for every sin you commit, then that's what you believe.
If you believe that your God is all loving, all forgiving, omnipotent and you are one with God. that's fine too.
Check out the video for more of my thoughts on this...
A thought I had:
For those who celebrate Easter but who are not Christian, who do not understand, know, believe or have never heard of the resurrection of Christ...What are they celebrating exactly?
I can understand Christmas but Easter Boggles my mind.
Have a Good Night!