10 Things I've discovered at this point of my Challenge Journey!
1. I have to make this a ritual. Perhaps twice a year or something. But why? Because this challenge has done me oh-so-well and I have another 2 weeks to go. Can't imagine what's to come. We shall see...
2. I am enough. Sometimes us overachievers want to strive and strive and strive to be better and better and better. But what IF, I'm good enough the way I am? I asked myself this and I discovered that I am. Although new experiences create new challenges and new ways to grow but if for mystical unexplained reason I decided to stop growing, learning, evolving I would be an AWESOME-ASS wonderful person, thus far. Although NOT perfect, I'm not the most toxic chemical in the science lab either, you dig!
3. I accept my perfect-Imperfections. *Transparency Alert* I used to hate my nose, I didn't like my hair, wanted my teeth to be super perfect, always had a thing with maintaining my weight, one of my eyebrows are higher than the other, my top lip isn't symmetrical and I have hooded eyes. The obsession is unnecessary. I've been told I was pretty my whole life, honestly when I really look in the mirror, I have no problem with me what so ever. What was I trippin' off of. This is ME. If anyone doesn't like any part of me they can GO POUND SAND! I believe being overtly exposed to social media's sexualized women will make you feel insecure about your body or TV and magazines with photo shopped people who are always viewed flawlessly.
4. I love (click >>> THIS ) music, it takes me away! I'm already in love with tropical anything. Meditation takes me away too and this is another thing that relaxes me. Wait until I start drinking wine again. A new found love of music. It helps me read, write and just sitting and reflecting. This music makes me feel like all the bad stuff is minuscule and unimportant.
5. What questions dis-empower you. We Should avoid asking God questions like: Why did this happen to me? Whose to blame? What went wrong? Why me? If we continue down this path then our perception of the world shrinks. We become reactionary. And all the actions we take simply become survival busy-ness. Instead we should ask: What is trying to emerge in my life? What gift am I to give the world? What is my next step? And by doing so, we begin to nurture our ability to truly listen to what the Universe is trying to “birth” through us.
6. When you grow and evolve. The people you know will shift out and away. Having already known this, I would say that this journey affirms that. This may be a lonely place for anyone but God will bring like minded people into your circle.
7. When I finally transition over to Veganism, it won't be like climbing Mount Everest. Oh it's in the cards for me. As of now I will indulge in my Cheese Fries, not all the time but on special occasions.
8. My Younger self should be acknowledged frequently. She should be taken along for the ride. Filling her with experiences she's never had, speaking life into that perhaps may be new information, new beliefs. Show her love and embrace her, uplift her and help her win.
9. My mediocre expectations of people and life are dissolving. More and more some things just do not matter. I used to care what others were thinking about me, and I do care to a small degree. The kind of car you drive, college degrees, latest fashion, how big your house is...all of this is great and wonderful and one should celebrate when they acquire these but I care more about your character, you heart.
10. Being vulnerable isn't too bad. It's still scary tho'. The way to describe it is how I heard someone else describe something. Imagine the moment before jumping in a pool. The initial touch of the water is extremely cold and so you're hesitant but what you do know is not long after the water feels warm. So you know you're going to be OK.
-keep going, keep growing, keep evolving.
Peace & Love
6. When you grow and evolve. The people you know will shift out and away. Having already known this, I would say that this journey affirms that. This may be a lonely place for anyone but God will bring like minded people into your circle.
7. When I finally transition over to Veganism, it won't be like climbing Mount Everest. Oh it's in the cards for me. As of now I will indulge in my Cheese Fries, not all the time but on special occasions.
8. My Younger self should be acknowledged frequently. She should be taken along for the ride. Filling her with experiences she's never had, speaking life into that perhaps may be new information, new beliefs. Show her love and embrace her, uplift her and help her win.
9. My mediocre expectations of people and life are dissolving. More and more some things just do not matter. I used to care what others were thinking about me, and I do care to a small degree. The kind of car you drive, college degrees, latest fashion, how big your house is...all of this is great and wonderful and one should celebrate when they acquire these but I care more about your character, you heart.
10. Being vulnerable isn't too bad. It's still scary tho'. The way to describe it is how I heard someone else describe something. Imagine the moment before jumping in a pool. The initial touch of the water is extremely cold and so you're hesitant but what you do know is not long after the water feels warm. So you know you're going to be OK.
-keep going, keep growing, keep evolving.
Peace & Love