I know, it looks a little insanely challenging but the first time up isn't so bad...it's the 2nd and really the 3rd that makes you wanna shed a little tear. The challenge lies there. It looks more intimidating from the bottom.
If you've ever climbed a large amount of stairs then you'd know that it's all respiratory...not here. This is both physical and respiratory BECAUSE....some of the stairs are like two feet high and you have use your hips/butt/thighs/calves to get up...so do that like 40 times, yeah!
I say, don't worry how long it takes you, just make it to the top. The more you do it,then you can introduce a frame of time but I wouldn't worry too much about all that.
It's okay to take a break...breaks are good. You definitely don't want to over do it.
If you can't make it to the top, luckily there are a series of trails you can walk up or down. Sooooo, you lucky.
For people who are not phased at all, you can walk backwards along the trail up to the top of the stairs and then back down. Piece of Cake until.... the next day our legs were on fire!!! Brutal, can't really walk.
Anyway........great work out!!
I wonder who's up for the challenge.