This is uncut...not really but...
Imma be shameless and show y'all my belly...
This is my starting point. 15 lbs to lose and tone too because I ain't got time for fat and I don't do cottage cheese, maybe like a tbsp. I'm not trying to be emaciated, you couldn't pay me to get rid of my bootay.
I'm 165 as of 8/6/14.
Why 15lbs??? I am very pleased with my body at that weight. If I'm pleased with 10lbs lost then ten it is. Ultimately it's about how I feel. I feel good now but I know I can be in better shape and I can feel even better about my body. Soooo why not!?

Years of working out has served me, I've maintained some muscle and ab action.
Currently I make everything a work out. Gym, ride my bike to the beach, Stairs, my at home thing, no escalators/elevators. I have No excuse for not working out. ESPECIALLY since Golds Gym is compd. no excuse.... Too many resources. I'm pushing myself because I've been inconsistent too many times.
I'm going to eat healthy but I will not be deprived because I love food, I just won't be a pig about it...portion size is everything.
Wish me luck!