Friday, August 29, 2014

Black Brotha...I love ya - Week! Post 5 - WE NEED YOU

We don’t need you
Well, we don’t want to need you
But we do

See, you are an important, essential, requirement That is desired and needed for our lives
If it weren’t for you
We’d never be mothers
And we’d never be wives
When we birth men into this earth
Love, spirituality, morality, survival things
We can teach
But from a father to a son
There’s a place in the crevices of his mind
That’s connected to his heart
That only you can reach
A man I’ll never be
So how can I demonstrate what a real man is?
When a woman is all he’ll ever see
Our Girls need you to tell them that they’re beautiful
YOU take her out to eat
YOU buy her flowers
YOU tell her I love you
YOU give to her
YOU make it so that these things are not foreign to her
That way, some fool can’t come along
And try to use it to his benefit
But having a relationship with God
Showcasing good characters, morals and manners
Like Daddy
Will be the prerequisite
Our Girls need to see that
Our boys need to be that

We need you

Also, I know chivalry didn’t die
It was just ambushed by ego and pride and buried alive
This makes it still alive
So please
Don’t stop giving up your seat
Opening doors and pulling out chairs
Smiling at us
And speaking highly of us and
Showing us gentlemanship with care
Because I know you care
I also know that your compassion
Isn’t dead
Just ran off the road by indifference at times
Leaving selfish and greed
To take over instead

But when the world deconstructively depicted you
We picked on you
But we want you back and
To show I have your back I pray for you

Dear Father God,
Let the respect and admiration for women
Dedicated father love
Desire to aim high
Eagerness to be the best
Inability to influence by negativity
Healthy food eating
Kind word speaking
Bible living, reading, sharing and understanding
Non pants sagging
Resolution finding
Anti-anger developing
Education driven
Selflessness displaying
Sober and drug free living
Wisdom and intellectual instilment
Be produced without hesitation in the air
And let it spread extensively thru out all men
Like a contagious air-borne virus
Equally caught everywhere
We need you

First I want to say
I appreciate when you pick me up
For dinner and a movie
Converse with me
And not curse at me
Compliment me Return me home, walk me to my door
And kiss me on my cheek so gently
Without the intentions of coming inside
See, I’m trying to step away from being a
Feminist Nazi
And go back to the days when
Uplifting you and loving you unconditionally
Was a natural as the breath that flows inside of me

I want to step away from lying to myself that
Changing my own tire and taking out the trash
Is something I’m so proud to do all by myself because I don’t need a man
When really it’s becoming a pain in the Ask,
yourselves ladies
Do we want to go the rest of our lives without them?

Still Gentlemen we need you to love us for our minds, if you don’t mind
Focus more on the condition of our hearts
And less on the position of our panty lines
Although I know now-a-days
Sex technically grows on trees
But I’d like to be the only tree planted in your garden,
That produces sweet nourishment and healing
Unlike the forbidden ones
Who are too eager and too willing to
Let you pluck all of her apples and oranges
Sometimes well before they’ve even ripened
But I want to give you that well developed
Seed bearing fruit
But I need you to commit to watering me thoroughly
And the healthiness of my root and my branches
Will be apparent based on the way you’ve taken care of me

Besides, another woman just doesn’t cut it for me
As feminine and girly as I am I need true masculinity
Broad shoulders Strong manly arms
That can just take me and wrap me up in his space
His cheek to my cheek
That prickly five O’clock shadow
Rubbing all on my face
His hands like scotch bright
His voice like tenor
A sight of all natural God made Goodness making my heart tremor

We need you

For our men who love men
I will never look down on you
So many I’ve come to be friend
You’re still protected, blessed and loved
By God
Even if you’re just confused
Sometimes this comes from having been abused
 Leaving you bruised
Your manhood misused
It pains me to see you wallow in a deceit
That has you so amused and convinced that
Even if you were born this way
That this is a battle can’t be beat
But I pray and claim this explosiveness defused
There is a homosexual epidemic
That is so often excepted and excused
But tell me
What are we going to do?
When our ladies want to be mothers and wives
But we have nobody left to introduce them to.

Gentlemen, it was easy to write all the ways I feel like you have failed us
The difficulty was writing a few of the ways we have failed you,
Want you, think of you, desire you, pray for you, hope for you, believe in you
Need you?
One of the hardest things to say
But I’m willing and poetry is my way
I had to ambush my ego and pride
And bury them alive
But, we can’t do alone
We need you to help us replenish our faith in men
Remember when you asked God to send you someone like me
We need to go back to being how we used to be again.

And make a pact that no matter how
Crazy the world evolves or
How many wars are raging between the sexes
That between you and I we will always be protected
No matter how much we’re faced with opposition, disappointments and fear
That between you and me
We will never feel neglected We think we don’t need you
Sometimes we don’t need you
But in all actuality
We do.