Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Culver City Stairs DRAMA

So... the drama...

I took my Cousin, My Mom, My Aunt and my God-son to the CCstairs. I'm PUMPED... I'm ready.

Climbing up, I feel great...

Just a minute or so from the top, I begin to feel unusually weak and tired. Mind you I climb this like three times in the sun...hot as heck. 

Not this time, I stop at the resting place and I couldn't catch my breath. I was drinking my water, trying to take deep breaths, NOPE. I was breathing so heavy, I decided to lay down but still couldn't catch my breath. I started getting light headed... I told my cousin Porscha who was casually admiring the view "Dude some thing's wrong" I said. "Here drink some of your water"
which I did and suddenly my vision changed, I felt like I wanted to throw up, I started to see people as if they were picture negatives but in color....CRAZY!!

I called out to Porscha again and said "Something is very very wrong" so she says "give me your phone, what's your password?" Mind you we left my Mom down one level lower because she was too hot. Porscha calls her but she doesn't have her phone so she calls my aunt who is walking the trail with the little man just so she's aware.

I started seeing black spots so I laid down and Unfortunately I PASSED OUT FOR LIKE some seconds. This is after climbing ONLY my first round. I was very upset about that, I was really looking forward to this work out.

I wake up to several people pouring water on me, in my hair on the back of my neck. Porscha was checking my pulse. A little boy named Andy was fanning me with his hat and Rosarita and Allison used their water to cool me down. My mom finally made it up to where we were.

Allison prayed for me and gave me her egg and bacon sandwich on toasted bread. These strangers were a God send to assist my family in helping me...definitely Angels.

Even a young lady named Julie even stopped and offered her water because she had extras.

Rosarita said I saw you and your skin color was turning palish green ...weird, right!

They stuck around until I felt better enough to walk down. I was still shaking, I couldn't stop.

They said it is definitely heat exhaustion.

I ate breakfast
I only drink water every second

I can't explain it.

Thank you Porscha, Mom, Allison, Rosarita and Andy oh and Julie and for everyone who stopped to make sure I was ok! My Angels, it could have been a lot worse.

The heat and I love the heat, the sun, summer...etc.  

I told Porscha, she should at least go to the top and she did.

This is some real stuff, I think I'm the most hydrated person I know.

The humidity was up, heat rises, the elevation didn't help. Be careful out there and drink lots of water and it's okay to take a break or...

work out really early or later in the evening where the sun isn't giving off as much heat.

Thank you Lord God that I'm good.