Monday, August 25, 2014

Black Brotha...I love ya - Week! Post 1 - BLACK KINGS

All of this week I'm going to dedicate my blog posts to our Black Kings.

I was inspired by a thought that created a reaction from an idea that triggered an epiphany in the wake of the recent shenanigans surrounding the Mike Brown situation.

I thought to myself Sometimes, our men have to be reminded of their importance. When you're constantly being told and treated like you're worthless then you will begin to embrace it and the behavior that comes with that will manifest. I don't think as a BLACK woman I/we say enough, show enough support and that's what they need.

I can honestly say I HAVE NO IDEA what they go through, the inferiority they must experience consciously and subconsciously when they are such targets of negativity and judgment, just for being born a black male.

We can't change others but we can change ourselves and that will change others. 

All the time they need to hear, in spite of what is being said about them, that they are wonderful people who are worthy of God's green earth and that their place here is required because we need them. 

Some of our Kings can't believe a kind word or compliment when it's given or some have never even heard of an uplifting word and too many have been so conditioned to the point of believing any thing good means believing the impossible. It's like a foreign language, but why?

It definitely starts from the Genesis....that is at Birth.

The second he is conceived, he needs to be told of his worth and his vitality because even as an underdeveloped membrane of an embryo...sperm baby LOL, his spirit is alive and present and is effected by his current environment. Yes we must speak to him as if mom has given birth and he is moving around and has an understanding. Tho he may not, his spirit man does. 

In lieu of the "Ice bucket challenge" I challenge myself to be more supportive and patient. I have to try to believe that our men are doing the best they can with what they know.

Although there are many who are exceptions and are very much ignorant and unruly...LOST is a good word ... shackled mentally.  I have to extend love and approach them with love.

Some people do not know and can not see their flaws. They have not been taught. Thomas Sowell said: It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance. Well you're not born with knowledge and you sure as heck  don't develop it from nothing. Knowing so that you can understand so that you can fix and heal a victory in it of itself. 

I will not feed the trash that's within them, I have to plant seeds of love and peace. If no one ever plants those seeds, when the Gardner comes to water it, there will be nothing there. Ever water soil with no seeds and hoping for something to grow? Exactly! Ain't happening.  

*Prayer is key but not without works.

"People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?" ~ Thich Nhat Hanh