You're timeless!
There is magnificence inside of you that will magnify all symmetries of beauty no matter how small.
Once you embrace this truth...
Then you will asphyxiate this moisture deficient world like a you're a voluminous rainfall.
You are extraordinary!
God has planted in your souls seeds of royalty
You should walk around humbly and modestly like Kings who are sole heir to eminence.
Yes your blood bleeds red but what's rushing in your veins is liquid of divine luminance
You have been set apart, to be picked apart, so that you can teach the part, so that you can be a part of God's group of majestic mortals.
You are not of this world and so you mustn't fall for all it’s tragedies, all its temptations, all its pressures and material demons and sexual gestures.
You are a man of tactfulness, a man of choice, a man who is in control and you can not forget it, deny it, despise it or depart from it.
Do not be afraid of the immense abilities that has been instilled in you, allow God to craft you.
You are an impressionable being... like hand prints in cement from Hollywood stars, think red wine on white linen, think of graffiti etchings on a bus window.
You must know the truth, the truth is indisputable it will set you free.
The truth teaches you who you are and who you are meant to be.
Truth is the oldest and most powerful of all of the human values.
You are warriors, survivors...
Who better to coach our future generations in life’s preventative wreckage.
Who’s better to deliver life's survival methods
You've sailed the merciless seas and battled demonic pirates.
You've taken canon balls to the ego and swords to the heart.
You’ve walked the planks of our enemies
You’ve been ridiculed by the babbling parrot.
You've had your exterior judged by One Eye Willies
You’ve been victims of a manipulative Captain’s hook around our mind.
Just when it seemed that no one gave Jack about a sparrow, God’s eye was on you.
You, the sparrow.
Predators like to hunt and eat you
Little boys have been known to torment you.
Adults complain about how you procreate and consider your children pests.
Yet, Jesus said, "not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will"
The need to be vigilant (watching out for danger), hustling for food (Working), building his nests (paying his bills), and gathering for the young (providing food/clothes), protecting his fleet (family).
The sparrow
So insignificant were these little birds.
But God watched with a protective eye.
Why should you feel discouraged?
Why should your hearts be lonely?
In his eye none of you are insignificant.
*Now if God is sooo concerned about the tiny, itty bitty, little worthless sparrow so much that he notes its fate ... Then how much greater must his concern be for you, who is immeasurably greater in value than the sparrow!