When I do not need to know you to practice Sisterhood. p.s next CHiiQ RADio topic.
When Four Eyes is the new SEXY!
When this is in your back seat and you had no idea even tho you were driving around...ALL DAY! WT? How did it even get inside eeeehh!?
When I was about 20 lbs heavier. Funny because I didn't have a problem with it at the time, looking back I'm like dang I was a thickums. (little bro's graduation, my step grandmother and dad, in case anyone is wondering.)
When homemade pizza is so good and you don't care that it looks like Florida.
When this Silhouette looks just like me! Crazy huh!
When I thought I wanted to model...Miss that shirt, not sure what happened to it.
When Sorbet hits the spot! Hello Chaya.... Btw this restaurant is everything.
When this SOUNDS like a walk in the park but FEELS like Mt. Everest.
When this happens, it's not the end of the world. Thanks to my handyman. #ghettoiknow #ghetto is survivng...ghetto is making it work...real stuff!
When this ain't gonna work for no two year old unless he/she is a midget or leg less.
When you are soooooo caught up! Poor girl or guy.
When he says "I'm going to wash your car" .... But like Really washes it...
Like Vacuuming ....
Like polishing my tires ....
Like Whoa look at her shine!
When people do not have to be nice and you appreciate em even more. #AlwaysASweetheart #ThanksPeteeeee
When you're blessed to have a great Dad!! #dadlookinggreat #youthful
* Suffering is a choice! Choose Peace.