Wednesday, April 23, 2014

RIP Lisa Buttacup McAllister

November 23, 1970 - April 20, 2014

Sometimes you just do not have words to say, nothing ever makes it better or removes the shock but time heals and her family, Mom, Dad, Sister, her three sons and other friends and family may never get over but it will get easier.

I know she was living the life she wanted, always having fun, motorcycling and doing her thing.
I've know Lisa since I was in Junior High she's always been cool. She was a girly girl with street edge. Her favorite color is purple. The last time I saw her was at one of my Mom's Tea Parties and she was still cool and down to earth, uninhibited, real and uncut. I love people like that! xoxoxoxo

Lisa was traveling on her motocycle when she was hit by a drunk driver who fled the scene. She was transported to a hospital where she then passed on.

******DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE .....EVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Let's Love one another.