Most people do not know that I love silliness and goofiness. I almost can't stomach serious people. My family gives me that, they are all silly. I have some friends like that whom, we just laugh at the same things. Orrrrr If I see something stupid funny, there are only a selective few that I can say....Only he/she would laugh at this.
Crazy because I look for this in a man, when guys approach me with humor,I love that. All the men in my life should have been comedians from my Dad on down to my Uncles and brothers and cousins....sooooo quite naturally I love those kind of men. I have been lucky in my previous relationships to have had that...silly men. LOL
I'm learning to not take some things so seriously. There are moments in our life that we just need to laugh at or laugh off even if it hurts.
I have had time in my life where I'm like God, that was a good one...Funny! All while crying my eyes out and I didn't see the humor in it but now I can laugh at some things...any way...
If you ain't got a sense of humor
get's FREE.....and we like Free! It makes you feel good.
* may you experience something so funny you laugh about it for years to come.
+ its my favorite sound.