Friday, February 28, 2014

He can’t be the Man

Ladies: Don't you just wish something other than that little small voice in our mind would warn us of the MEN to avoid, the ones we know that are all wrong but for a myriad of reasons we just can't  say NO. 

The fact that he is so FINE, we get lonely and desire male company, need a man's touch, someone to call, someone to say good morning and good night who will give compliments....just "someone”.

These very things kept us clinging on and giving our bodies and sharing our inner most passions and conversations when we know deep inside he is not the one.

It’s Funny how everything cooperates, our hormones still run rapid, our hearts still beat, our mind still fantasizes and our breast and vaginas, well they're still attached to a functioning body . In this world we have only to depend on our self-control because nothing else seems to work with us.

But in a perfect world, our Hearts, our Minds, our Energy, and our Universe would actually help us out...

He can’t be the Man
My lips would curse me forever if I kissed him
My eyes would blind me If I looked into his
I wanted to touch him but my hands would never understand
My heart would beat hysterically with laughter
Saying this can’t be the man

My knees would buckle If there was a romantic stroll on the beach
My patience would vanish
If I waited by the phone
My solitude would surely intrude because His call meant I wouldn’t be alone

I wanted to touch him but my hands would never understand
My brain would vegetate with confusion
Saying this can’t be the man 

My ears would transform me Into a deaf mute upon his words 
My stomach would regurgitate 
The words that my ears just heard 

My lungs would hold my breath 
So that he couldn’t take it away 
My tongue would tie itself in a bind 
So that I’d have nothing to say 

My teeth would rot and fall out 
If I think of his name and smile 
And my smile muscles would stiffen 
And wouldn’t make the thought worthwhile 
My nose would clog up 
So that I couldn’t smell his masculine roaring scent 
Because his scent would awaken all my vital sensitive areas 
That my imagination would resent 

My breast would deflate 
With just an ounce of arousal 
My vagina 
Would dry up like the desert sands 
My body would retreat 
And shut down completely 
Saying this is not the man. 

*I wish you the power to say No when you know you should ... even when it's sooooo hard ;) (Yes, pun intended)