Saturday, February 1, 2014

Post Numero ONE! CHEERS!!

I'm wishing I had a glass of Gewürztraminer (girls are meaner) in my hand RIGHT NOW because I need to celebrate life because life has been good to me... But I'm tired and didn't feel like going to the market.

It's midnight and I'm back to blogging!

My friend

Jose and I had a very inspiring talk one day by way of Miami to the LBC about my giftz and skillz.

He said, "with all the fun things and new adventures that you partake in and explore, why not blog about it, and share it with the world" because (>> baby you got it <<).

So here we are a couple of months later and it feels good. I used to blog so why did I stop before someone asked? Oh yeah because I grew bored! Lonely! Thirsty! Hungry! etc. I was just over it.  Come to think of it Jose is the one who got me started on the first one.
  I asked myself, while you're at this whole blog thing, how can you make it more exciting?
I knew immediately what the answer was: TRANSPARENCY! Letting people into your space on a more up close and personal/ intimate level.
The honesty couldn't be half assed or made to look pretty. It's not fair to always give the pretty version. BE RAW!
They say vulnerability is sexy... well actually I'm the one who said it. 

Okay so, 1st bit of honesty, I'm nervous. A public blog, with me being transparent, I'm so private. I've heard wayyy to often that I'm mysterious even tho I feel clear as glass at times. I may smile but why am I smiling. I may say nothing at all but what's on my mind.

One thing is for sure and super cool, my Mother supports whatever extremities, explicitness, ratchedness (I'm not ratched,ijs) may come of this, so It's GOLD! and the day is here. Oh boy!
Perhaps I need to introduce my Alter-Ego ...Chii-Q (chee-cue), we'll see.
Thanks for tuning in to my Blog. Lots to talk about and share. Fun, Food, Realness, Truth (Oh God!) Adventures, pictures and maybe some VLOGS.

*May your feet be too tired and sore,
from running around in the mind of the person whom you love and adore. ~TaNae