Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy May 1 - Another Challenge???

I love Blogging, I feel as if it acts as a journal, somewhat of a diary where I can enter some of my thoughts with visuals and videos etc.

I'm taking on another Challenge. Yes.

Every day for the month of May I will GIVE of myself to others. That giving-ness will be in any form as long as it is done with positivity even if I'm not in the mood that day I will still GIVE.

My Uncle once told me: "Whenever you GIVE to someone else that very thing never really leaves your hand"

Image result for giving

If anyone reads this and wants to take on this challenge, then God Bless You!

Ways to give:

Monetary:Money is always ideal because people need money. That can be in any form you choose, i.e. Gift cards, pennies, paying a bill, buying food, there are no limits. Esp with the homeless. 

Babysit, wash dishes, wash a car, mop the floors, do laundry, dust the house, give a massage, sit and listen, send a greeting card, write an uplifting letter, gift "Just Because" gifts to someone.

Pay it forward. Whatever nice thing someone does for you do that same exact thing for someone else. 

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Giving is how you actually receive abundance. 

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 30 - Final day challenge

I cried so much on this journey.

Crying is healing 

I learned so much.

I have more to offer myself and others.

I love and approve of me more and more.

I lost 14lbs and it was hard but not really.
I will continue to eat healthy and exercise, but not so strict. 

Prob will not frequent social media as much. I enjoy disconnecting from it. 

Discovered my truths.

I am so grateful for this challenge, I have no words.

Happy to be Me!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Day 29- Every woman has a Story.

I dedicate this almost last blog to My Mom.

She is a RockStar. The beautiful thing is she knows how to say Yes to it. She has the passion, she listens to her inner voice, she has seeks greatness in everyone,she has drive, enthusiasm, commitment to THRIVE.

I mean Dayum, Look at her Go! What a blessing it is for anyone to know her.

She Lives her life with purpose . If you don't know what that looks like, make her your role model, watch her in action.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Day 28 - Promise Me

Happy Day 28, I literally have 2 more days to go.

I've already reactivated Twitter because they give you 30 days only. Since I never use it I thought oh-what-the-heck. 

I love a play on words, I particularly like when words speak positive life in me and others, the world as a whole.


Today was Farmers Market Day.

Warm Kale and Shrimp Salad

~ One Peace, One Love

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Day 26 - Happy Admin Day... VEGAN on the way.

Happy Day 26!!

My Job blessed myself and our other admin for "Admin Day" !

Image result for admin day funny quotes


Oh yes Veganism is SO in the cards for me.

I remember this same feeling when I cut out Beef, Chicken and Pork. I fought it for 5 years until I just couldn't fight it any more. I literally didn't even want meat September 2014 the transition began.

Now I'm feeling the same way, however I don't think it'll take me 5 years. I will incorporate it more aggressively than I have been until it's official. 

People are afraid of Vegan Food. It's still food just eaten differently. I am not afraid of different. It's actually fun. I'll share some You Tube videos of Vegan alternatives. Raw Vegan Sushi, Almond Vegan Cheese and Vegan Hamburger. 

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017

Day 24 - Take A Break

This blog today is a taking-a-break day blog.I will revisit this on day 25.

In the meantime listen to this beautiful song.

One Love

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Day 23 - SHAG

One of my Favorite movies. Sometimes you have to tune in to those things that make you smile and feel good.

"That was the most fun!"

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Day 22 - Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day!

Earth vibrates at a frequency of 8 hertz. We as humans vibrate the same, quite amazing. 

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In honor of the Earth I am retiring my plastic straws and purchased these silicone straws because I am avid straw user and they are TERRIBLE for the Earth.

Peace on Earth!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Day 21 - Pop Life


Today is the anniversary of his death. I actually cried when it was confirmed 2016, the day before Earth Day I will never forget. Someone from my office said, Google Prince died. Of course I didn't believe it because Prince doesn't die, he'll be clicking heels, slip & sliding and back flipping off of pianos until he's 100.

But that wasn't the case. He was gone. It hurt me so bad because someone with that much talent who can continue reinventing himself, keep producing music, shutting down arenas and still stand alone is amazing. 

I don't see anyone defying the standard in that way again. His androgyny display through fashion and singing but still remains masculine and get away with it....DOPE!

The energy he permeated, his persona, the way he spoke, the way he dressed.

Image result for prince

Sad news: It was recently revealed that Prince - pictured performing at the Super Bowl in 2007 - died of a self-administered Fentanyl overdose according to an autopsy report released on Thursday by the Midwest Medical Examiner's Office

Tonight, we remembered Prince by attending this burlesque "Purple Rain" Tribute. It was cool. Some of the dancers were super amateurs. Where there is Prince I will go. Still had fun.


*Pop Life