Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy May 1 - Another Challenge???

I love Blogging, I feel as if it acts as a journal, somewhat of a diary where I can enter some of my thoughts with visuals and videos etc.

I'm taking on another Challenge. Yes.

Every day for the month of May I will GIVE of myself to others. That giving-ness will be in any form as long as it is done with positivity even if I'm not in the mood that day I will still GIVE.

My Uncle once told me: "Whenever you GIVE to someone else that very thing never really leaves your hand"

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If anyone reads this and wants to take on this challenge, then God Bless You!

Ways to give:

Monetary:Money is always ideal because people need money. That can be in any form you choose, i.e. Gift cards, pennies, paying a bill, buying food, there are no limits. Esp with the homeless. 

Babysit, wash dishes, wash a car, mop the floors, do laundry, dust the house, give a massage, sit and listen, send a greeting card, write an uplifting letter, gift "Just Because" gifts to someone.

Pay it forward. Whatever nice thing someone does for you do that same exact thing for someone else. 

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Giving is how you actually receive abundance.