Friday, February 13, 2015

Master the system

I know many people who are in student loan debt to the point of REDICKULOUSNESS. It's pretty wack!

Wouldn't it be pretty cool to challenge the system.

Meaning: If you want to be a doctor then you seek out education, however you see fit, be it in school, self teaching, one on one type thing from an accredited doctor...however you wish.

Then you go to a centralized testing facility where you prove that you are qualified to be a doctor.



Can you Master the system?

This would alleviate debt, think of the movie "White men can't jump" she killed it on being self taught. She studied on her own, she didn't rely on some schooling....I know it was jeopardy but you feel me tho, right??

I've learned so many psychological terms and cooking techniques on my own. People could pay the testing facilities to test them. Of course depending on the amount of testing, the cost would be different.  

I think it could work.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Did you know...

A few things you might not know about me.

1) I have eczema. It was worse when I was younger. I would literally scratch the crap out of my leg until it bled and it would stick to my tights. Torcher to tell a kid "don't scratch" when it itch like hell and then all you can hear is your leg saying "scratch me - scratch meee - scratch meeeee - scratch meeeeeeee - scratchy scratchy-scratch, itchy, itchy" LOL I'm probably going to scratch it.

  2) What do I do for work? I'm in Commercial Property Management and have been for 7 years.


3) I already have the name(s) of my kid(s) boy and/or girl. First and Middle, just hope the father approves. Hopefully he doesn't have some jacked up last name.


4) I do not use microwaves ever...I have a cute red microwave that literally sits on my counter as decorations. For one, I hate what microwaves do to food, it's appalling and it's offensive to the raw nature of delicious and beautiful food...secondly, radiation is no good for you. Ever wonder why Russia banned microwaves?  

5) I've never kissed anyone on the first date. Not against it, if the chemistry permits it then I'll go for it but .... no one night stands either, that i'm against. No judgement what you want.  

6) I wear a size 9 1/2 shoe on my left foot and a 9 on my right, so I just get 9 1/2s. I get a size 10 in heels, just because it feels better.

  7) I absolutely hate porn...not even for religious reasons, I didn't even feel bad for watching it... it's just so annoying and so phony.  

 8) If I have to pick a part of my body to have plastic surgery on, it would be my eyes. I have hooded eyes like my Dad and they often feel heavy and when I lift them up with my fingers, the relief feels awesome.

9) Every tall guy 6'3 and up is automatically attractive to me... Nope it doesn't matter. Unless he smells bad but even then he's still...

10) I'm a sleepwalker/talker all that.