Thursday, January 29, 2015

21st century dating

 Sometimes I come across a post that makes me understand what's happening in life that may confuse me till no end...ya know? It's something you just can't put into words. Like this post here:

**Dating in the 21st Century is by far one of the most ridiculous processes ever. People are so complicated. You must play games. You must lie. You have to act like you don't care even when you do. You must date multiple people to keep the attention of that one because it's generally just casual. You must be unavailable if you are too available people get turned off. You have to ignore calls even if you want to pick up. Essentially if you are a true lover, you have to resist everything that comes natural to you to play this "game" you idiots love to play. It changes everything for me to pretend like I don't care. I actually stop giving a !&@k. ~Unknown

Wow! That hits the nail on the head, the elements and genesis of these points of dating can get deep, it's almost unfathomable. Like what came first? Someone finally put it into words. I always ask, what the hell is going on????

If I may, break this down and say what I choose to typically do on my end:

1) People are so complicated:  ** I'm a woman, I'm complicated in the eyes of men at times but I'm an open book and I'm okay with emoting and loving. I understand it's all a risk and my actions need to be consistent.period. This uncomplicates things.

2) You must play games: I have to admit, I have played the game to sustain and maintain, however I ain't got time for that ANYMORE. The games are over and I've retired. I respect real love and people in general way too much to become a victim and give in to the fear of LOSING or being DISAPPOINTED. I'm not afraid of that. Eff Fear!

3) You have to act like you don't care even when you do: When my persistence and showing that I care is looked at as being THIRSTY, Houston we have a major problem. I remember when guys had BIG Balls and Guts to go after the woman of his dreams even when she said No, he had the confidence to say I can get her, I will get her. 70% of the time, he got her. FASSSTTT Forward to 2015, that isn't sweet and charming anymore... it's Thirsty and that's ridiculous. Fear has replaced emoting and showing the other that you really care. So who really cares or not care? I know there are those handful of people who are so scarred and bitter that showing how you feel is looked down upon. Not I ... Not I!

4) You must date multiple people: I understand this all to well because some fools aren't trying to take you seriously so you're not trying to put all of your emotional / attention / affection eggs in his/her one basket even tho you like them, but you're actually wanting to be in a relationship. Yeah something like that.

5) You have to ignore calls - Some people don't want you to be TOO available because that's too easy. So when you pull back some, they gravitate more. It's stupid, I know. It's ALWAYS the guys I'm not checking for that are the most in tuned and attentive. They call and are Consistent and persistent and the ones you actually like and show attention to well.... unless they can appreciate you for it, they fall off and be not so present until you fall back. Weird, I'm so sorry there are people out there like that. I really am. You don't need those girls/guys.

6) All that stuff kills the excitement, how can you be excited if you're always having to go against the grain. I say, be yourself and of course be smart and not foolish. Don't give so much of yourself to one person if they adhere to the above foolery! Do what comes natural, and don't be mad at those people for they know not what they do and we're just gonna leave it at that.  Their loss.

Good Luck!

Monday, January 26, 2015

When ....

When, I too do that dumb stare ...... LOL that stare is awful. You will especially find little kids doing this.

When he just couldn't be anything else for Halloween.  10 Points for creativity, 0 points for sanitation.

I actually have so many captions for this, gotta pull out my inner Dave/Kat/Martin/Rock etc.  I'll do ten: 
1) When your home girl is a cosmetology major and hasn't put her new skills to use on herself.
2) When your son brings his girl home to meet the parents and this is who he couldn't stop raving about for months.
3) When you and your girl need to shave, but she won't.
4) When she has a fine a** husband and you single and can't even find someone to like.
5) When she wins Miss California and you didn't.
6) When she has 100k followers on IG and most of her comments are "You're perfect!" "That's Bae" "Goals"!! Whaaaa??
7) When you haven't seen your best friend since High school and you run into him at the Grocery store.
8) When he calls in because his stomach is cramping. Wait huh??? LOL
9) When this is the new Standard of beauty.
10) When this is who your dude cheated on you with. Whyyyyy??

When it's a good thing your job doesn't include Integrals, derivatives, series expansions. They'd be especially screwed if it included respiratory mechanics, hemodynamics,
converting mg to g, g to mg, mg to mcg, and mcg to mg.

When he can make you feel like this.

When my AJ Pooh got a little boo boo....he was not happy. LOLOLOL!

When you really had no idea, until his scent his aura revived your senses. (Sigh)

When Billie Dee Williams was the man and he is still fine.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Beauty & the Beast

I blame my mother and my granny for the obsession. True Love...??