Friday, May 2, 2014

To Smudge or NOT to Smudge.....

I'm gonna smudge!

What am I talking about you ask?
It's a spiritual house cleaning or self cleaning, office cleaning, car cleaning etc.

The entire process does not take long to do, and you will feel the effects immediately.

What's crazy is...I've only smudged my house twice. The first time OMG...ish hit the fan with my Ex-boyfriend and our drama, then we parted ways.

The 2nd time...ish hit the fan, this is years later 5-6 years later. That incident is still pending as I type.
Get some sage, see picture. Not sure where you would get it... My mother gave me a long thing of it. You will need to light it until it's thoroughly lit.

I say a prayer while I'm walking around my entire house. I pray for what I desire, especially in my house. Peace, Love...all that stuff.

I believe even with the intent to release the negativity, will offer results as well.

NOW...So smudge at your own risk because what you're doing is getting rid of negative energy, negative spirits and that can mean unleashing it in order to rid you life of it.

Put on your calm music and  start off by saying a prayer or blessing for your home, thanking God for keeping you safe and secure. Ask that all the negative energy be replaced by positivity and love.   It is essential that when something is released, it be replaced, so whenever you use the words “release” remember to follow with “replace.”   If you do not replace, anything can drop into the released area, so being specific is helpful.

Let the experience lead you. If you want to cry, cry! If you want to holler, holler! WHATEVER IS IN YOU GET IT OUT, because we may be holding bad energy within us too but at the same time be good, loving, and Godly people. YOU FEEL ME?

Thats it! Yes you hair and house will smell smokey but it will dissipate.

My entire life I’d been taught to run from anything that is not Christian, doesn’t have Jesus at the center, or hints of witchcraft. And yes, the last thing I want to do is invite any kind of evil into my life or home...THE LAST THING. But after doing some research on smudging and having done it before – cleansing my home with sage – I began to see that the process, the mindset and the desire to connect with positivity is no different than what might happen in a church. If I was Catholic, for example, I might invite a priest to come to my house and bless it – with incense and holy water, right?
Bless your house, cleanse your house of bad energy so that you can live peacefully, without sadness, anger and pain etc.

*I will plant seeds of peace in your life and I will water it with Love and that's for everybody! I will not water the trash inside of you, I will not water your anger and pain, but love you thru it and help you to strip it away so that you may become whole. :-)