Sunday, April 27, 2014

Thought for Today : Quitting is not the Answer


   You may be thinking you've wasted years of your life in the wrong career or associating with the wrong people, but God is saying, I can restore those years. We've have all missed good chances, but ultimately you'll never fail unless you quit.
  Always be ready to embrace the opportunities God will bring across your path. As you do, you'll rise higher and higher and you will Love your life the way God intends. God knows the plan he has for your life. I believe God is bigger than your lost opportunities and today He is restoring your dreams, plans, goals that somehow has pass you by. Don' t focus on what you have lost or what you have missed out on. I know God can bring back dead dreams. So trust God for everything going forward in your life. The time has come for you to receive the blessings of God. So step out on faith and don' look back.
  For the joy of the Lord is our strength. 

  Have a bless and prosperous day.

~Joe (My Dad)