Sunday, April 6, 2014

Thought for Today: Joy is on the Way

   I believe sometimes people drag around defeat day after day, month after month, year, after year. I am for sure you have heard them. I believe the problem may be that they have grown spiritually weak by all of the negative circumstances. 
  They need something to put the sparkle in their eye and take back what the devil has taken from them. One thing that I feel people need more of is joy. When you have happiness it somehow disappears every time you have troubles. But joy is tough. 
  If you'll let it, it will keep flowing in the midst of most situation. It will enable you to stand as solid as a tree stump until the time of trouble is over.
  In the Bible Psalms 30:5 says
 " Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning". If you are a person of faith, it doesn't matter how dark conditions may seem to be right now, you can rest assure, a brighter day is on the way, because the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Have Bless and Prosperous day
