Most people don't know this about me but I meditate 4-5 times a week, mostly guided. I started with guided meditation because I could not shut down my brain at all. Never could...too much going on in there, even when I played meditation music all alone in the wee hours of the night, you could hear a rat peeing on cotton...My brain was a mile a minute.
There are so many individuals who are more in touch with their inner spirit and can guide me or you to that place of pure relaxation, stresslessness etc. I, like many people did not know what to do or where to begin. Eventually I became a little mini expert on meditating.
To get started, for those who need some assistance, here's what you CAN do:
1) Find the time...10 minutes makes a difference. I used to escape to the bathroom for privacy...go to your car...take a walk.
2) Get a cell phone/smart phone. Something you can fit in your pocket or lay down on the floor or on your bed, laptop works, iPad etc. It has to be able to access You Tube because You Tube is free and we love it and we're going to take full advantage of this.
3)Use...go buy earphones. Preferably ear buds, I find them to be more comfortable and less of a bulky item on your person. You want to be accessory free. If you can go naked...then go naked. You will want nothing to take your attention off of the meditation i.e. My watch is too tight, my earrings hitting my face, my necklace is choking me.... all that, you want to avoid that. However, if you only have Beats by Dre then it's fine.
4)Most Guided sessions will have you to do a breathing exercise...this will help you to relax, yes even if you're walking. I find it better when lying down with eyes closed. Whatever works for you!
5) Now just listen and even repeat in your mind what the instructor is saying, this will help keep you focused on what is being said to your spirit.
Meditation has made me more peaceful in general, my world is calm and the positivity that pours out of my pores is beneficial to every person I come into contact with. I feel more loving and free to live. I find myself less angry and fearful. I still have fears but my fears are not some artificial story I made up in my mind, they're necessary and realistic. I'm more at ease...still a work in progress tho'.
Meditation has made me more peaceful in general, my world is calm and the positivity that pours out of my pores is beneficial to every person I come into contact with. I feel more loving and free to live. I find myself less angry and fearful. I still have fears but my fears are not some artificial story I made up in my mind, they're necessary and realistic. I'm more at ease...still a work in progress tho'.
Here's one of my favorites. I used this when I first started. I do close to 30 minutes and now and then I'll take it to an hour.
It's okay if you fall asleep, your sub-conscience mind will still be awake.
* I pray for your happiness, peace of mind and Love Abundantly!