Got the Nachos!
Who's that Girl?
.... And that Girl??
Yes these Girls!
Time Out Photo Op!
Laker Girls. Ladies: sometimes don't you just want to be a Laker girl. Get out there swing your hair and wear tiny little cute outfits and shake ya bootie! Yep me too. #Truth
Brows!! My friend should have never pointed him out to me because now I'm like "he's kinda cute" Glad he didn't pluck/wax/shave it etc.
Pauuuuu for the point! I think he missed that one. :( but he had 27pts.
Fave part: KissMeCam
That's our Rosie! Sorry for the super bright jumbo blinder.

Time to go... vestibule Flow!
Annnnnd of course gotta meet a new friend!! Alex's first time at a Laker game and you get to put your arms around two hot ladies! Lucky!
Thanks Rosie for our tix...always hookin it up. #FunTimes
*Remember to be Loyal to the team!