I don't like to say, because I don't want these guys to alter who they are to fit this description of what they now know I like. Be yourself because in all honesty I don't really have a type, maybe just a little.
My interest changes with the wind so at any given time any guy can move me okay, so just be who you are. I'm very forgiving and I have learned to focus on your highs rather than your lows unless your lows are harmful to my life and well being then there is a problem.
TODAY I'm sharing these pet peeves of mine. I figured any guy who wants to step to your girl, he already knows what time it is.
Lets get into this.
1) Men with long finger nails.

Sagging. I've seen 50 years old sagging, like really? I've seen guys sag in their security uniform. Am I missing something here, I don't get it. I used to be indifferent about it but now I'm too old to be walking around with some fool showing his underwear. it's a mismatch. Men should not even bother to look my way because I will hold that against you. However, something inside of me said could I be judging too fast? In all fairness i thought I should understand this thing called a fashion statement. So I said well maybe it's a comfort thing but there was only one way to find out so I tried it. That's right I put on whatever shorts I had that could act as boxers and threw on my skinny jeans and I was sagging.I felt kinda stupid luckily this was an in house project and No it's definitely not a comfort thing. I felt like something was missing and I couldn't walk right. So, No!
3)Bad Odor - Guys who smell bad.
(This should be number 1) Now, I'm not big on cologne although I like when guys wear it, perhaps it's an Aphrodisiac kinda thing but I love when men smell like they just came out of the shower, soap smell, I'm immediately turned on, especially shampoo. I know the difference between all day odor vs I don't take showers/baths,nothing. Guys spritz on all of that cologne but I say I don't care about that, what kind of soap do you use? I wanna smell that on you.
4)Short men.

5) Racist daters - meaning men who date one race because they dislike their own. That is not a reason to date someone. How about dating her because she's wonderful and attractive? Or because you have chemistry and she lights up your world. Not because she's of a different race. Not cool with that.
It's a turn off for men to not stand for something. Have some grounds for how you live your life. I'm not a prude but some men just have no boundaries and no threshold at all and I'm supposed to expect him to honor some marriage vows...probably in over my head. Do you go to church? Do you read the bible? Do you study spiritual enlightenment? Do you meditate? Do you pray? Do you read self help books/videos/Cd's? What do you do? He must have some accountability to be in my life.period. Plus it's attractive. A man who has to live in a world of debauchery, violence and materialistic things being shoved down his brain and he not fall victim to them, Kudos to that man who can control his urges. I kiss your feet. RESPECT!
See that's not a lot! I think this is pretty general. So those people who are always trying to hook me up with your cousins, friends, co-workers etc. KEEP IN MIND...
*I wish for you to just EAT LIKE THE KING/QUEEN that you are!!