My skates were everything in the world...in a dress, in the kitchen, rolling all over the carpet (how do you skate on carpet?) The pic doesn't show all the wear and scuffs.
How about my faux-bangs tho, they were neither cut nor curled. Ah ha! That's the beret technique.
I must have been 8 years old maybe??
I looked sweet and innocent and I really was, however I had some bull headed moments in my child hood!
Wow how far I've come.
More importantly...The dress! The dress is EPIC. It has early 90's children's clothing written all over it or maybe late 80's...something like that.
Most missed memory: BEING A KID! I have to say I had a great Childhood. Tony (brother) and Porscha (cousin) can definitely ride that wave with me.
I'll leave you all with some old school Gospel Music. As a kid, my Mom only played gospel music so that's what we loved. Beau Williams...for old time sake. I still love it!
This song will always be near and dear to my heart. GO BEAU!
*Just for a moment, may the kid in you resurface and swing back to laughter, playfulness and when everything was all about having fun. When you only saw things as pure and flawless. Let the kid inside remind you what it was like to believe that everything is all GOOD and we didn't care about the troubles of the world.In those moments nothing else mattered.