Friday, March 31, 2017

30 Day Challenge - Follow My Journey

I'm finding myself in complete resistance to:  Social Media (even though I'm addicted), certain Foods, Certain Movies, and a host of other things. 

My spirit has been telling me to detox from it, take a break from it for at least a year, although I have been trying but was unsuccessful, now I can't even help it. Now I am surrendering to it. 

The universe will inevitably try to make us whole. I don't want to get shutdown to Shut down, meaning when God/Universe needs to heal you or elevate you (make you whole), if you keep pushing away from it and especially when your soul is crying for change for the better and/or something wonderfully new, You better believe it will orchestrate many aspects of your life to accomplish this. This can be done in an unforgiving and what feels like ruthless way aka Rock Bottom... Just for the record Rock Bottom SUCKS! 

Everybody's rock bottom is different and everyone's process may not be like mine. Listen to your body and your intuition it's always telling you which direction to go. 

I'm in-tuned and responsive enough with myself to know when to say when. My When is NOW. 

My Journey begin April 1 2017. (30 Days) Could be more.

I will be vlogging and posting the entire time. This feels right, this resonates with me.

My detox consist of the following:
  • Shutting down all social media: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
  • Change Eating Habits and Exercise: Goal is to Lose 20lbs by months end
  • Focus on my goals
  • Turn off the Television... Ahem Netflix
  • Finish 4 projects:
  • Delve into my Extra curriculum activities. i.e. Painting
  • Read more
  • Write more: Journaling, drawing, doodling, venting, poetry, novels, biographies
  • Spend more time in Meditation
  • Spend time in Nature
  • Being vulnerable & Transparent
  • Minimize the stress more importantly
  • If I could expunge myself from work, I totally would. Work alone has it's own stress.

* I will not quit all of this after 30 days. Many I already do but I have slacked off and fell off or half assed it. Now I get back on track. 

One of the few poems that hit me right in the heart. 
God totally led me to this. 

One Day my Soul just opened up
and things started happenin'
things I can't quite explain
I mean
I cried and cried like never before
I cried tears of a thousand mothers
I couldn't even feel anything because
I cried 'til I was numb.

One day my soul just opened up
I felt overwhelming pride
what I was proud of
only God knows!
Like pride of a hundred thousand fathers
basking in the glory of their newborn sons
I was grinnin' from ear to ear!

One day my soul just opened up
I started laughing
and I laughed for what seemed like forever
wasn't nothin' particularly funny goin' on
but I laughed anyhow
I laughed the joy of a million children playin'
in the mud
I laughed 'til my sides ached
Oh God! it felt so good!

One day, my soul just opened up
There were revelations, annihilation, and forgiveness
memories of things I'd seen and done before of places I'd been, although I didn't know when they were lives I'd lived
people I'd loved
battles I'd fought
victories I'd won
and wars I'd lost.

One day, my soul just opened up and out poured all the things
I'd been hiding
and denying
and living through
that had just happened moments before.

One day, my soul just opened up
and I decided
I was good and ready!
I was good and ready
to surrender
my life
to God.

So, with my soul wide open,
I sat down
wrote her a note
and told her so. 

Image result for One Day My Soul Just Opened Up: 40 Days and 40 Nights Toward Spiritual Strength and Personal Growth